تم بيع إعلان كارافان Hobby 540ULA للبيع عن طريق المزاد وهو غير مدرج في البحث!
إعلانات مماثلة
كارافان Hobby 540ULA
كارافان Hobby 540ULA
كارافان Hobby 540ULA صورة 2
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كارافان Hobby 540ULA صورة 32
الماركة:  Hobby
الموديل:  540ULA
الفئة:  كارافان
سنة التصنيع:  2006
الموقع:  بلجيكا Sint-Niklaasعلى بعد 6492 كم منك
تاريخ النشر:  أكثر من شهر واحد
رقم التعريف في دليل عروض البائع:  A3-22406-5500
المزاد العلني:  1
تاريخ المعاملة:  2024-06-18 07:33
تاريخ النهاية:  2024-06-18 20:18
حالة المركبة
حالة المركبة:  جديدة

معلومات إضافية — كارافان Hobby 540ULA

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
Hobby-Wohnwagen mit Hagelschaden, Scheiben müssen repariert werden und der Mover ist defekt.

= Firmeninformationen =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
= Additional options and accessories =

- Self drive export possible

= Remarks =

Hobby caravan with hail damage, windows need to be repaired and the mover is defective.

= More information =

Current bid: EUR 3750

= Dealer information =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
Caravane de loisirs endommagée par la grêle, les fenêtres doivent être réparées et le déménageur est défectueux.

= Information sur la société =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
Roulotte per hobby con danni da grandine, i finestrini devono essere riparati e il traslocatore è difettoso.

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
Hobby caravan met hagelschade , ramen dienen hersteld te worden alsook is de mover defect.

= Bedrijfsinformatie =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction www.vavato.com
كارافانات Hobby
نتائج البحث: 92 إعلانات