تم بيع إعلان حاوية 20 CSC 20' للبيع عن طريق المزاد وهو غير مدرج في البحث!
إعلانات مماثلة
حاوية 20 ABC 20" ABC 20" €268.10 حاوية 20 2000 ٢٬٢٠٠ كجم الدانمارك، Midtjylland
حاوية 20 ABC 824190 ABC 824190 €1,073 حاوية 20 2001 ٢٬٢٠٠ كجم الدانمارك، Midtjylland
حاوية 20 CSC 20'
حاوية 20 CSC 20'
حاوية 20 CSC 20' صورة 2
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الفئة:  حاوية 20
سنة التصنيع:  2012
الموقع:  الدانمارك Aabenraaعلى بعد 6624 كم منك
تاريخ النشر:  أكثر من شهر واحد
Autoline ID:  UK42344
المزاد العلني:  1
تاريخ المعاملة:  2024-09-20 07:00
تاريخ النهاية:  2024-10-10 10:35
حالة المركبة
حالة المركبة:  جديدة

معلومات إضافية — حاوية 20 CSC 20'

Important sales information
Seller information
Selges som den står. Vi oppfordrer dere til å lese "Retningslinjer for kjøp og henting av overskuddsmateriell fra Avinor" som er vedlagt annonsen.
Spørsmål sendes support@retrade.eu
We encourage you to read the "Guidelines for the purchase and retrieval of surplus material from Avinor" enclosed to the advertisement.
For questions, please contact support@retrade.eu
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Type: Plated
Supplier: Bradgate containers
Asset overall condition: Fully functional during last use
Seller / Auction broker: Avinor AS
Location: Avinor AS, Røyken Kontrollsentral, Norway
brand: CSC
20' CSC-plated Container
Spesialbygget for radarutstyr som nå er fjernet
Isolert og forseggjort
Denne må hentes
og kan besiktiges i Røyken kontrollsentral
Her må en avtale tid for dette
حاوية 20
نتائج البحث: 118 إعلانات